Volunteer Opportunities

If you are interested in volunteering, please send us an email at info (at) rewildportland (dot) com. Thank you!

Rewild Portland is a mostly volunteer-run organization. We are always looking to find more people who want to chip in and make our mission come to life. We’ve grown a lot in the last year and are seeking new and more volunteers! We have a variety of volunteer tasks, and encourage people to help where they feel most inspired. If you are interested, please attend a volunteer orientation. The volunteer orientation is a time to familiarize yourself with our organization and mission, learn about volunteer opportunities for the coming year, and meet other volunteers and the Rewild Portland staff. It’s also a great way to become more involved in the Rewild Portland community. We show our appreciation for regular volunteers by offering free classes specifically for them, as well as inviting them to come along on our member hikes.

Volunteer at our Nursery

Volunteers help us to grow plants for a resilient future. Get outside, get your hands in the dirt, get moving. Gardening is a proven method for reducing anxiety and building community. Feel like you need to get outside and connect with others and with nature, but in a safer setting? Masks are required for work in the nursery, and we limit our group size to 8 people. Learn more about our nursery project and sign up to volunteer on our nursery page here.

Volunteer for a Beach Clean-up

Rewild hosts a beach clean-up four times a year at the Green Anchors river front, extending into the neighboring Port of Portland property’s beach front as well. We usually have 10-20 volunteers at each clean-up. Our focus is on removing both large and small bits of human-made materials (metals, plastics, glass, tires, etc.) mostly brought in by the tides. Garbage is removed, sorted and taken to the Metro waste transfer facility where some of it can be recycled or sent to a landfill. We host a work party four times a year during these months: April, August, October, December. Work parties last 3 hours, from 9am to noon. Sometimes Rewild hosts these with SOLVE, other times it’s just hosted by Rewild. Sign up for an up-coming beach clean up here.


We consider outreach to mean educating the public about who we are and what we do. We have four main outreach goals: documentation, tabling, flyering, and social media.

Tabling helps us get the word out about our programs and is also an opportunity for education. Our table is full of examples of the kinds of items that we teach people how to make, acting as a sort of portable “museum” of ancestral technology. While tabling we engage the public, telling people the histories and stories of each item on the table.

Flyering is more of just the marketing aspect of our organization. We want to let people know about our programs. To do this, we put up posters and handbills in strategic locations around the Portland area. With more volunteers, this takes much less time!

Engagement Opportunities

Fundraising Committee

Do you want to volunteer with Rewild Portland and help us secure funds to continue our mission of creating cultural and environmental resilience through place-based arts, traditions, and technologies? We are looking for people with experience in fundraising to join our Fundraising Committee and take on a coordinator role for various types of fundraising.

Have you led fundraising events? Written successful grants? Put together an online fundraising campaign? Secured sponsors for events? Would you like to help out with our ongoing fundraising?

Write to us and tell us which type of fundraising you have the most experience with and would like to help us facilitate. Check out our committee member responsibilities listed below to see if you are a good fit, then send us an email at jera@rewildportland.com.

General Committee Member Responsibilities:

  • 10-20hrs/mo for meetings & outside work, such as:
    • Grant writing
    • Fundraiser event planning & coordination
    • Donor appreciation
    • Sponsorship solicitation
    • Research & Education

Role Requirements:

  • Time to commit
  • Passion for the vision & work
  • Experience with fundraising
  • Familiarity with Rewild Portland and excited about the work we do
  • Familiarity with Google Drive
  • Detail Oriented (i.e. follow up on emails, make phone calls, spreadsheets)
  • Network to reach out to

Benefits to being on the Fundraising Team:

  • Help bring rewilding to Portlanders
  • Contribute to the basic health of the organization, and the community at large.
  • Connection and community — having a reason to do something together
  • Attend the Annual Appreciation Event