Rewild Portland is a non-profit organization serving Portland, Oregon and the surrounding wild and rural communities. Our mission is to foster resilience through place-based arts, traditions, and technologies. This mission comes to life in the form of community-building, ecological restoration, and education. Please help us with our mission and donate today.
A Seasonal Round of Fiber Arts A 9-month (April–December) fiber program, 2 days per month, 10 am–4 pm. Full program tuition: $2,225 All wealth comes from the earth and from the hands of those who know how to transform the earth’s raw offerings. Textiles, essential to our survival, comfort, and creative expression, once held a …
Learn MoreWe can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. Often attributed to Albert Einstein without a clear source Location || Some are online, some are in Portland. Check listings below.Four weeks, $95 || Space is limited. Scholarships available. UPCOMING ONLINE SESSION: Wednesdays, October 2, 9, 16, 23 …
Learn MoreThe Free Skills Series is a family-friendly monthly class exploring different skills through a rewilding lens. It is free and open to the public, and no previous experience is necessary to attend. Our Free Skills Series has one core ethic behind it: All people must have free and open access to creating resilience in their …
Learn MoreOur Mission is to foster resilience through place-based arts, traditions, and technologies.
Rewild Portland is a nonprofit organization based in Portland, Oregon. Our mission comes to life in the form of community-building, ecological restoration, and education. Rewilding means “to return to a more wild or self-willed state.” This encompasses a large spectrum of nature connection, from learning about native plants to full-on living off grid in the style of earth-based hunter-gatherer-gardeners. Resilience is a culture’s ability to withstand or bounce back from large-scale environmental and social changes. Rewilding creates resilience because it is about getting the things you need to live from the land you live on in a regenerative manner, not extracted and shipped from thousands of miles away. Our goal as an organization is to provide a full-spectrum model of education and implementation—from students who come to a single introductory course, to partners of a collective using regenerative design land management principles to live off the land together.