Rewild Skillshare 6.11.11

I was a little nervous about Rewild Camp today because none of the Rewild Portland team could make it except for myself! Luckily I had the lovely Sarah Hill join me out there at the archery range and with her help we made it a success! There were about seven new people who showed up and about three or four people who hiking through the park, saw what we were doing and joined in. We shot some arrows and played with fire. Two of my very favorite activities. I got a couple coals with my English Ivy hand-drill set before my hands became too raw to try for another. I’m already starting to build up callouses from doing hand-drill several Rewild Camps in a row. It’s my new technique “same conversation” with hand-drills. I’m starting to see more and more how Rewild Camp can help everyone involved to continue to expand their fluency, simply by showing up and playing. Thanks to all who came out, it was great to meet you!


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