Technique: “Setup”

In the fluency game, one of the first techniques to rapid fluency is technique: “Setup”. Setup works as a teaching tool to make us think about how to setup the learning environment for the desired results. To use one example for the Rewilding Immersion Program, a desired result may be fast and efficient Earth Skills acquisition. For English Ivy baskets, we’ll need ivy, a harvesting spot that works with the City of Portland, a storage space to dry the ivy, all the tools necessary for making the baskets: soaking pools, awls, string, clamps, etc. It will involve allotting the right amount of time to complete the activity, making sure there is a bathroom available, food for people to eat, and so on. For a novice, with no experience in basketry, they would not know how to make a setup for fast and efficient basketry skill acquisition.

Everything needs a container, a proper place, a home. In order to pick berries, you need a basket to put them in. In order to sleep well, you need a bed to sleep in. In order to drink water, you need a cup. Technique “Setup” is looking at the visible (i.e. the materials we need) and invisible (allotting the right amount of time to complete a project) elements of the learning environment. Setup is like building a container or home for your learning to live in.

The most difficult, fundamental and overlooked part of learning a new skill involves having a really good “Setup”. Many people “don’t know where to start” when it comes to learning something knew. They were shown or told how to do a skill, but not show how to setup the learning environment. Say you want to tan a deer hide. You mistakenly think that first you need a deer hide. Somehow you acquire a deer hide but you don’t have a fleshing beam or a hide scraper or access to brains or anything. You’re not quite sure where to start so you stick it in your freezer and forget about it for several years until one day you just throw it away out of frustration. You had a passion for learning a particular skill, but not an understanding of how to setup the learning environment for yourself.

Often we rely on paying teachers and institutions to do this setup for us. More than the instruction of the actual classes, we pay for the setup so that the classes can take place. Unfortunately, these schools rarely explain the setup process of the skills. You learn how to do the skills, but not necessarily the setup for them. Why do they leave this out? Because to a master, the setup seems so obvious that they don’t even know they need to have it as part of their curriculum. Using Technique “Setup” the fluency game is able to work around masters who don’t understand how to teach their skills, allowing students who use the fluency game to “hunt” the setup out of the master instead of relying on the master to show it to you.

While we will have already created amazing setups for all of the skills we teach, one of the most important elements of our Rewilding Immersion Program is teaching people how to use the fluency game to “hunt” a setup out of a master of any particular skill they wish to learn.

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